enhanced dragon: making use of the two sides of the paper

I went back to my simple dragon model to see what else I can do with it. I didn’t add any detail to the model but I re-folded such that the wings show one side of the paper — the colored or printed side, while the head, body and tail of the dragon show the white or unprinted side. Of course, the reverse can also be done — white wings, printed body.

And I think the challenging part of folding the model is how to make it stand without the bottom part of the tail touching the surface of the table.

graceful dragon

‘ Each origami design must be individually folded; there is no mass-production process.’ – Robert J. Lang

This is my second dragon model, folded from a 6″ x 6″ paper starting with the fish base. My first attempt was done based on the traditional flapping bird design but I thought it needs improvement. This one, though still just as simple, looks more like it. Its simplicity makes it look more graceful or more gentle-looking than other dragon models.The rabbit ears of the fish base comprise the upper portion of the dragon’s wings. With that as clue, I think you can easily figure out how the model is folded.

And by the way, you can flap the wings of the dragon by pulling the tail down repeatedly.

NOTE: I’ve recently re-folded the model using a two-color paper: red on one side, and white on the other (that’s the common art paper) such that the wings have a different color (red) from the head and body (white).